A server I’ve been working on in the background for a while. I’m happy to say that as of today it will be officially open to the public so that others can enjoy it as much as I already do. I wanted to make a place for people who love original content, where they can write, read, and ramble about it without worry. It's comfortable, casual and has a special place for ocs. This server is for writers, artists, roleplayers, and readers. So hoenstly don't worry if you don't have a certain skillset. The likeminded interest is all that matters!
Not to mention, there's a lot of stuff that goes behind the scenes be it art w.i.p or writing drafts along with general infodumping that doesn't make it to Toyhouse, or at least not right away. I use Toyhouse for my official archiving, so to have a fun place for the same purpose would be nice.
16+ I do not want to limit the server to adults only, but that being said there are designated channels for mature/nsfw content. I ask that minors stay away from these channels but still hold a certain level of maturity for the sfw channels!
DM for any more details. 🧡
The link: https://discord.gg/jTcZVNU
Welcome to BUNHUB!